Randa Alvord
- Music
- Commercial Music (BM)
- Music (BA)
- Music Composition (BM)
- Music Education (BM)
- Music Performance: Brass (BM)
- Music Performance: Combined Piano & Organ (BM)
- Music Performance: Organ (BM)
- Music Performance: Percussion (BM)
- Music Performance: Piano (BM)
- Music Performance: String (BM)
- Music Performance: Vocal (BM)
- Music Performance: Woodwind (BM)
- Communications
- Communications: Advertising (BA)
- Music
- Pre-Music
- Music
Randa joined our team in 2014. She comes from a background of elementary education with an emphasis on dyslexia research. A native of Utah County, she graduated from Utah State University with a degree in Sociology and has a Master of Academic Advising degree from Kansas State University. Randa shares the team’s passion for working with students and is dedicated to making sure each one has the best educational experience possible. With a high energy and excitement for advising she enjoys working with the department and other advisors to assist students in achieving their academic and career goals.
Randa and her family bleed BYU blue and enjoy supporting the Cougars at the many campus events. Randa has never met a street taco she didn't like, believes the band section at football games is the best seat in the stadium, sings along to more musicals than she will ever admit to, could be a professional traveler, and is outnumbered four to two by boys in her family and, as such, became an excellent negotiator. To give back to the professions she loves, she regularly serves on committees and presents on topics about personal development, belonging, and advisor training.